Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In Gods Good Time

Well Here I am after a long while away

We have been speaking for some time now about the state of the church in Ireland.
Every day more of the abuse comes to light.
And we as Sisters in Christ have to take abuse it is heaped on us as we are one of the few who wear the Habit.

For those who have been damaged and when they see or meet one of our Sisters it trigers a reaction and we are treated to some very interesting abuse.

We understand.

But it is very hard to go out one never knows when or what will happen.

The congregations who are under scrutny hide in secular clothing while those like us have to fend of so much.

The church is aware but is also blind. The church in Ireland is in deep trouble. Yet Rome will not attend to its people.

We see the pain in the faces of the people and can only say we know. It should not have happened. It takes a long time for one who has been so hurt to get used to us and get to know it is not us. Get to know that we care. It takes years.

Priests and Sisters have damaged generations and do not stand to be accountable.

We can but Pray and assure you that God really has nothing to do with religion.

He said come follow me. Faith in Him

Faith however is worth hanging on to Faith in Christ if you can hang on to that and know this was not of His making.
He is still looking out for you.

Is it possible do you think to still belive in Jesus Christ after all that has happened to you.
If you remember that Jesus did not make religion. Religion is man made. You can go right to Him no need to ask any one to go for you. He is there for you. To hear your voice. Answer your prayer. Have joy with you. Have joy in you.

Take a deep breath let it out and call His name. Breath Him in. Be still.
let Him do His work. So often we run ahead. We forget to allow Him to do good for us.

Do something nice for another. Smile. Be grateful. Allow good things in. Be blessed

Share your joy.

At The Masters feet In Prayer For All.

He said come follow me. Faith in Him

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A new year. 2010

The new year is upon us.

Here we are.

We look on in hope.So many come our way over time. How many of us stop to see and hear from all the wisdom that comes our way. Do we recognize then that is what we have heard and seen. Or are we blind by our own importance. Can we see beyond the I and see the we. If this is possible then wisdom has come our way and we have not ignored it.

Have we blessed any one this year.helped any one.shown any one simple kindness. If Not can we do it now. Really what's the loss of a smile. A kind word.a greeting. A bless you.

So here we are. Is it possible. To make ones own life a nicer place and nicer skin to live in.With a simple kindness.

Kindness is often so small a thing that often we are unaware of how kind we have been to one in real need and for them it will be a warm memory at a time when perhaps they are at the lowest. They will remember you and what you said or did in simplicity to bring them comfort and understanding.

Comfort this year for many we serve was a simple meal and clothing to those who call the street home.
For us. The Motto do good and disapear is still since 1846 the same then as now.
So any one? Do good and disapear. let some one wake to find their need quitly at the door. With a small card. Bless you.

Bless those who can follow this inner voice.

Well here we are. A new year. Bless you all in it.

At The Masters Feet In Prayer.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One More Journey

Hello again.

Christmas is just around the corner, Already I am aware of people who will be alone and how sad some get at this time of the year.

Try to do something for some-one this year can you, Children in hospital, Children with nothing and no one, The very poor,
The old, Spare a few hour's. A food pantry, Salvation Army, Your church, Or your place of worship, Or place in which you gather for fellowship,

Those who fight for your freedom.

Or simply be kind to someone. A smile goes a long way.

You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.


At The Masters feet In Prayer.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Death and how we deal with it

Well I'm back.

I have had a very hard two weeks. For those who have a parent in a retirement facility and pray that they will be treated well. It is still a hard place to see them in the end.

I managed to get back to see my Dad four days before he died. I walked into his room with what was left of him trying to scream. Although the palliative care staff were gentle he was in agony. It took all that day and part of the next to get Dr's orders for pain management. By the second night he was at least more comfortable.

He could no longer swallow he could simply breath, As much as that was possible.I did not leave his side until he passed at midnight of the third day.

I tell you this because if I had not arrived when I did. His passing would have been so very bad for him. If I was not an advocate for him. nothing would have been done for his last days. To watch someone die in extreme pain is more then one can handle.

I was lucky I had some one with me who made it better. Not every one can sit at a death bed. I seem to be able to handle these things. But often can not handle my own stuff. Thank God for God and good friends. These being my Sisters and often those we least expect to be there are often a great shoulder.

It is interesting to me that always in my life it is women who help and shoulder with you what otherwise would be impossable to take. And in history it is women who will be there when you least expect it. Often women you would not have thought would. Are a welcome surprise.

I thanked God when dad passed into His hands.

When we place those we love in a place like this even with all the care we hope they will receive. One must be present often to see to it that no one forgets there is family around.

I have walked in to many times to what I consider abuse. To have to deal with it then and there. Fight for who it is even if I don't know them.

Jesus Christ was our advocate. We should not forget at the foot of the Cross the women were there. He the advocate for all. And the women who witnessed it.

If we can say He so loved us He willingly died for us. How hard can it be for us to Visit the sick and the old who may have no one now and be an advocate in Christ for them.

Many of our old feel as though they have been sent away set aside old furniture to be thrown out. , As though their life has counted for nothing they may never see their children again and often only at graveside and passably because something has been left. Not for love or duty do they come.

Often staff are so understaffed that all they can do is there job. I have heard many say this is not what I started this for. I wanted to give because I love my work. But look what I have become. They do the best they can . Knowing it is not enough. They will not be able to just sit and spend even a few moments with those in there care.

I have been at the graveside of many who had no one. And what we have done is all the Sisters who can gather on this the last journey for them. Will be there.

If you do any charitable work at all. Remember the old ones. Remember those who now have what we call a new mind since the old one has simply disappeared. They love company. and it keeps them happy and healthy longer.

If you have ever been lonely. Sick. Abused. Hurt in any way. Desperate for a simple kindness. What ever your faith or tradition. Can you think that perhaps this could be YOU. And be kind a few times a month.

If you have a parent in a place like this...

And if your memories with them are not great. Then think of this. They have forgotten. Thank God. And now with this new mind. We can see them as they are now. and as we would like to remember them. As they really should have been. And by the grace of God are now.

Forgive if possible. For they do not remember. And all they know now is love. From you. And that you are Able to give it. Will free you from all the hurt in the past.

I tell you this That to love even when you thought you could not forgive is the greatest gift. And an example to all who know you. And as Christ showed you.

God loves you.

At The Masters Feet In Prayer For You.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

On The Ground In Ireland.Once More

Well here I am again sooner then I expected to update the Blog.

Today In Ireland to be a Nun in full monastic Habit. And if not an Irish Order. It is now quite common and even expected to be publicly maligned and verbally abused.

The new one is fraud. We don`t know who you are so your not real. Even though they met me and other Sisters. They seem to have forgotten.

The priest`s have become the worst. Today was dreadful for one of our Sisters in Ireland. For in the street and in public he ranted on and on. Between them and the mercy Sr`s no order that is not Irish will survive. So as THEY go down they will try to take every one else with them.

With all that is going on I can say I want to understand. But can not. So of to the Cardinal Brady again. Let him sort it.

So now we must find thicker skin or we will not survive.

Christianity has failed. Charity. Compassion for fellow man gone. Faith hope and love side-lined.
Jesus crucified again. By such sin.

What can be done. Its as though Christ has left the building. And is leaving this mess to them.

Not true of course. But it seems that way. When you see and hear those who have vowed themselves to His service have and continue to behave in such an unchristian fashion and expect respect and understanding. Who are so closed minded as to think they and only they are called by God. Even in the obvious condition of abuse by them. Shame what we must watch.

So many still afraid to speak up.

I best stop. Before I lose all love Left in me.

At The Masters Feet In Prayer

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Opps sorry re typos and other post.

On The Ground In Ireland

Well it has been a while since I added to our blog.

But wanted to add a little something. We have Sisters in Ireland {We are not and Irish order} who have to live with a new form of abuse. Those who have been abused who see a Nun in full Monastic habit assume that all are the same.

And so treat them with disdane and utter contempt.We are those who work in the backround working and praying with the work of our hands to insure help for the hungry and lost.

We would ask that the orders in Ireland who have commited such crimes be disbanded. We expect this will not happen. It should if any kind of life within the church is to survive.

Perhaps then the sr's who have commited these things will then stop the abuse of our Sisters in Ireland.

The strength of those of our Sisters in Ireland is due to God their love of Him and devotion to Jesus .

One in particular who works and prayes and sees the people who has been patient and understanding and yet no one there has come to her aid. She feels as though she stands alone.She does not of course. But hard when it feels so.

She has put up with mean spirited people and sr's who hide in secular clothing. Who are in fact put on the spot with her dilagence and love of her fellow man.

I am trying to be kind and having a hard time. When I want to say what many have done to her and why. I would not wish to be like them. So for what it's worth when in Ireland if in Co Donegal at the market when you see a Nun in Indigo flowing garments be kind its one of ours.

Remember this is a time when in Ireland the one in the habit gets blasted. Not those who are in fact at fault and hiding in secular clothes.

Without our Sisters we are nothing. Each one is part of the whole. Our Sisters are a bigger part of the body Christ. When one is hurt we all bleed.

Please be kind.

At The Masters Feet In Prayer --For you.
